Biological Circular Clarifiers

High Performance
Our clarifiers are custom designed for extreme working conditions for various industries: paper, food, beverages, refinery, sewage, just to name a few. The quality of the engineered designs, the superior fabrication of the finished products and the consistency of experienced, have contributed to our reputation as a reliable quality clarifier supplier.
Clarifiers are designed to remove settled solids from the bottom of the clarifier tank as quickly as possible to improve the efficiency of treatment processes. Considerations involving, solids settling characteristics, liquid flow patterns and effluent collection are all part of the design parameter.
- Spiral Scrapers with centre feed
- Suction Clarifiers with peripheral feed
- Available in side, center and peripheral feed
- 304 stainless steel
- Custom fabricated in our factory with state of the art equipment and fabrication techniques
- Extended beach scum troughs with flushing
- Full bridge and half bridge walkways with large drive service platforms